Facebook is an evergreen platform to endorse a brand, to get connected to a large number of audience, to increase your post reach etc. Managing a Facebook account is never an easy job but if you are handling it with a Facebook Marketing Software then things become easy. And if you are using FaceDominator then surely things are really gonna be easy, simple and efficient for you.
In this post, I shall share another special feature of FaceDominator. In this article we shall discuss how one can share posts to groups and Friend’s Wall using FaceDominator:
The very first thing that you need to do in order to share posts in various groups and in you Friend’s Wall is to collect the URLs of the post in a TXT file on your computer.
In FaceDominator, you don’t have the option of share the posts on groups and on Friend’s Wall simultaneously. You need to share separately on groups and on Friend’s Wall.
Let’s start with Group Sharing:
Group Sharing-
Once you have collected the URLs that need to be shared, now you need to visit the wall section in FaceDominator Application. Here on the left side of the screen, you need to click on the Share Post Option.
Here You need to provide certain inputs such as select the account, load URLs etc. No, do the necessary setting or else default setting is always a fine option. In the setting section, you need to click on the “share on Groups” checkbox.
Now you are ready to share posts on various groups. Once you start the campaign, it would take moments to get your posts shared at various groups.
Friend’s Wall Sharing-
All the steps are identical to the group sharing option. Here also you need to provide the similar type of inputs and do the same settings. The only thing here that you need to do differently is to click on Share on “Friends Wall” Checkbox.
Once You click on the start option, you can Easily share the post on your friend’s wall.
Similarly. FaceDominator has various other special features too such as Wall Post Liker, Delete Friend’s Wall, Events Creations, Messaging Options, Various Group Options etc. In simple words, FaceDominator is that life jacket which will help you survive in the humongous ocean of Facebook Marketing.
If you have any kind of doubts or issues, feel free to comment in the section below!!!